We are Here to Help
If you would like to access KIDO services, please call: 1-833-982-KIDO (5436). If there is no answer, the phone line will be forwarded to Tikinagan after-hours answering service.
About KIDO
Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug Dibenjikewin Onaakonikewin
KIDO, the “KI Family Law”, has a vision is to create healthy self, healthy family, and healthy community. The emphasis of service is on family healing and maintaining connections within families and the community. KIDO’s mission is that our dibenjikewinan (families) can raise our awaashishag (children) and oshkaadizag (youth) in healthy homes.
KI developed the Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug Dibenjikewin Onaakonikewin (KI Family Law) to take over child and family services from mainstream children’s aid societies. Our Miinikozowin (inherent power) is where the authority of KI comes from. While An Act Respecting First Nations, Inuit, and Metis children, youth, and families (also known as Bill C-92) is the federal law under which KI’s law is coordinated with other governments, the MDK services of KIDO are developed by the community, for the community.
KIDO is accountable to:
- Dibenjikewin Oganawenjikeg Opimojiketamaakeg (“DOO”) Board
- KI Chief & Council
- All members of Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug
Maamao Dibenjikewin Kanawaabajikewin:
MDK, the service model of KIDO, means the traditional practice of child rearing and care within which all members of the dibenjikewin, extended dibenjikewin, and community are involved in caring for awaashish and oshkaadiz whose dibenjikewinan are unable to care for them.
MDK Services
Kewiiwiijihiikoosiwaach: “People who will want help”, are awaashish, oshkaadiz, and other dibenjikewin members, such as oniikihiikomaak/onihtaawikihaawasook (parents/caregivers) who can reach out to and/or visit any of the KIDO Unit locations in:
- KI
- Sioux Lookout
- Thunder Bay
KIDO Staff will note your danendamihiiwewiidamaakewin (reported concern) and/or self-referred request for MDK services of KIDO. A Dibenjikewin Oganawenjikeg (“DO”- Family Keeper) and DO Owiichiitaso (Helper) will be assigned to dibenjikewinan that receive ongoing MDK services to ensure there are resources and supports available for Kewiiwiijihiikoosiwaach.
These MDK services of KIDO are carried out at the direction of the KIDO Director, with KIDO staff having expectations to be:
- Respectful, honest
- Non-judgmental, open-minded
- Focused on achieving the overall goal of “a healthy self, healthy dibenjikewin and healthy community”
The MDK services of KIDO:
- are about love and compassion;
- focus on prevention, supporting dibenjikewinan by connecting them to cultural/prevention programming, other KI & community services, and anything else identified in a review of their strengths and needs;
- aim to keep dibenjikewinan together through supports to build on strengths and address needs, with regular contact from their assigned DO and other KIDO staff;
- when dibenjikewinan need alternative support, there is a Kanawendaakosowinik (Place of Safety) available in the short-term, with the end goal always being to reunite dibenjikewinan;
- ensure that when other children’s aid societies are involved with a dibenjikewinan prior to a file transfer, their assigned DO will advocate for them as the Band Representative.