Dibenjikewin Onaakonikewin

Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug Family Law was passed through KI’s community engagement process and ratified by Chief and Council in November 2019. In the Anishininiimowin language of KI, “Dibenjikewin” means family and “Onaakonikewin” means law. Therefore, KI Family Law is now known as “Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug Dibenjikewin Onaakonikewin” or “KIDO” to be more grounded in KI’s values on language preservation and revitalization.

KIDO is an exercise of KI’s miinikozowin (inherent right) to self-governance and jurisdiction over dibenjikewinan (families) that are dashikewininiwak (KI Members) or are living within the lands of KI.


Our goal is to create a Healthy Self, Healthy Dibenjikewin, and a Healthy Community. Our ancestors held everything sacred and thanked the Creator every day for all that he had given them. We also hold everything sacred and thank the Creator for all that he has given to us.

The Creator, Kishe-Manidoo, has given us our values, principles, customs, language, and kayaash egwa miina ahchaako kikinohamaakewinan, which provide a foundation to guide us to a strong community composed of healthy dibenjikewinan who are raising awaashishag or oshkaadizag grounded in their culture and language.


We will revitalize our values, principles, customs, language, and kayaash egwa miina ahchaako kikinohamaakewinan so that we can support our dibenjikewinan to raise our awaashishag and oshkaadizag in healthy homes within our community. Let us help and support each other as oniikihiikomaak and members of our community.


Our values, principles, customs, language, and kayaash egwa miina ahchaako kikinohamaakewinan are fundamental and critical to our healthy sense of identity and our bimoojikweninan egwa wiijihiiwewinan.

Every person will be treated with respect.

In order for awaashish and oshkaadiz to develop and grow, they need a nurturing dibenjikewin that provides them with saagihiiwewin, stability, structure, safety and encouragement.

The primary responsibility for the safety and well-being of awaashish and oshkaadiz is with their oniikihiikomaak. If oniikihiikomaak have challenges in parenting, then the dibenjikewin should work together to support the oniikihiikomaak in finding solutions.

Oniikihiikomaak, extended dibenjikewin and onihtaawikihaawaso will focus on the needs of the awaashish or oshkaadiz.

Bimoojikewinan egwa wiijihiiwewinan to dibenjikewinan should try to prevent harm to awaashish and oshkaadiz, to avoid the need to bring them into care, to build on their strengths to help keep them together, and to support them in caring for their awaashishag and oshkaadizag.

Kitchenuhmavkoosib Inninuwug odoonendamaake must consider the modern context in which Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug kaa-iishi bimoondisiwaach.

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Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug
Band Office, Box 329
Big Trout Lake, Ontario
P0V 1G0